GT-B2 Bio-Chem Enzymes a new technology with certain chemicals and bio enzyme mixed clean oil and gas wells that are plugged because of Paraffins, Asphaltene, NORM, sand, clay, slug and other materials,or Acids and chemicals used to stimulate wells. In 7 wells (USA, Guyana, Libya) production increased 100-820% using GTC enzyme. The GT-B2 series are made to dissolve all Paraffins, Asphaltene, and NORM (Natural Organic Radioactive Materials) across the perforated reservoir, and formation damage removal from perforation and natural flow, also damages from drilling mud. The available enzyme is oil based, their uses depend on the formation types, rock and fluid properties. The enzyme also makes the HCO3 carbonate precipitants, Ca++, Mg, K+40 ions brittle and easy to remove. Our new GT-A (GT-B2, GT-C2 and GT-B are available as well) Bio-chem enzyme is capable of cleaning all injected chemicals into the formation or acids and brings back the well into easy production. Wells across the world have been brought back to production with 100- 822% increase in the production (high PI). GT-B Bio-enzyme does not attack the matrix or the clay, rather it only dissolves C21+ heavy components that plug the pore throats, unlike Acids and Chemicals that attack the matrix, destabilize sensitive clays. GT Enzyme is mixed only with Diesel/Kerosene/Xylene, no water added and thus no attack on the clay/matrix. GT-B Enzyme lowers the Sor to certain degree.
Bio-Enzyme Basics
GTC Recovered