The Passive Seismic Spectroscopy (PSS) survey method is a unique technology for Hydrocarbon Reservoir Indication (RHI) and monitoring. Application of this technology was utilized in several countries worldwide since 1996. Over hundred and thirty surveys have been run so far during the last twenty-five years. The Passive Seismic Spectroscopy (PSS) is based on the principles of non-linear behaviour of multiphase fluid systems in the reservoirs. Hydrocarbons in the pore system are detected at surface as a characteristic deformation caused by ambient vibration of the normal signature of the natural earth’s noise signal in the low frequency range between 1 Hz and 8 Hz, depending mainly on different fluids compressibility of gas/solution gas/oil and water in porous and fractures reservoir media. This very low frequency signals, assonates with the very tiny earth surface movement (Surface tremors), it is then measured by a very highly sensitive hydrocarbon broadband sensor (Very Low Frequency Seismometer) from the ground surface. Development and application of passive low frequency acoustic and electromagnetic technologies are used detecting the hydrocarbons and oil reservoir monitoring – from the surface. The technology outcome was high success in drilling HC wells and gained momentum and potential in monitoring of developed oil and gas fields.